Popup Tasting with Tami Harrington!

Spire Collection Popup Tasting: 11/26 (6-8p.m., $20/person)

Special Wine Popup on Tuesday, November 26th: Spire Collection and Jackson Family Wines!

Tami Harrington has got some luxury wine surprises in store! Stop on by and taste five fantastic wines at $20/person, from 5:30-7:00pm.

The Spire Collection features the most premium wines bottled by Jackson Family Wines including from local wineries, regional wineries and international producers – all under their ownership. The various Jackson Family properties are geographically diverse including in France, Italy, Australia and South Africa.The Jackson Family Wines portfolio includes 40 brands from vineyards and wineries in California, Oregon, the Bordeaux region in France, Tuscany, Italy, Australia, Chile and South Africa. It holds over 30,000 acres in the United States and is the largest owner of coastal vineyards in California and Oregon.With origins on California’s classic northern coast, the Spire Collection today encompasses estates throughout the world. Napa Valley’s mountainside vineyards and great benchland terroirs summon Cardinale, Mt. Brave, La Jota, Lokoya, and Galerie. Far-flung locales and distinct environments throughout Sonoma County produce Vérité, Cenyth, Anakota, Captûre, and WindRacer. From the north comes the cool-climate wines of Maggy Hawk in Mendocino, while farther up the Pacific coastline Zena Crown and Gran Moraine find home in Oregon’s Willamette Valley. Château Lassègue, an estate in the birthplace of fine wine, embodies Bordeaux’s sophistication as grand cru Saint-Émilion. Near Siena in Tuscany, Arcanum resurrects a medieval estate for the modern wine world. Capensis makes its mark as South Africa’s preeminent white wine, and Hickinbotham takes its place among Australia’s classic reds.

We will be closed this Thursday, November 28th for Thanksgiving.Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving and make sure to come in for our Black Friday and Small Business Saturday blowout where we will have select wines anywhere from 10-25% off!
